Product Solution Categories

Mellanox offers complete 10/25/40/50/100/200Gb/s Ethernet solutions for your data center, giving you a competitive advantage. These end-to-end solutions deliver industry-leading performance, scalability, reliability and value across applications such as cloud, enterprise, finance, storage, Big Data, machine learning, telecommunications and more.

The demand for more computing power, efficiency and scalability is constantly accelerating in the HPC, Cloud, Web 2.0, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Storage markets. To address these demands NVIDIA® Mellanox® provides complete end-to-end solutions supporting InfiniBand and Ethernet networking technologies.

As an integrated group, our strategies are designed
to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Combining values in order to build competitive
solutions tailored to meet each customer needs.
PT InfraCom Technology

Jl. Tanah Abang II no. 46
Jakarta 10160, Indonesia

+62 21 39717888 / +62 811-1-CALL-ICT

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