Product Solution Categories
Software AG

Software AG (SAG), a subsidiary of Silver Lake Partners, L.P., is a technology company that provides enterprise integration software solutions. The company offers various platforms such as IoT and analytics platforms, APIs, integration and microservices platforms and Adabas and Natural. Its IoT and analytics platforms provide application development, device connectivity, device management, edge computing and integration. Sag APIs, integration and microservices comprise API management, application integration, b2b integration, mainframe integration, managed file transfer and microservices. The company Adabas & Natural platform provides agile DevOps. cloud transformation, Adabas data integration and mainframe zip.

The companies offering services are information technology transformation and business process transformation, among others. It serves banking, education, energy and utilities, government, healthcare and life sciences, insurance, manufacturing, retail and other telecommunication industries sectors.

As an integrated group, our strategies are designed
to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Combining values in order to build competitive
solutions tailored to meet each customer needs.
PT InfraCom Technology

Jl. Tanah Abang II no. 46
Jakarta 10160, Indonesia

+62 21 39717888 / +62 811-1-CALL-ICT

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